12.6. - 13.6.2024, Osnabrueck
Osnabrück Lightweight Construction Days
Lightweight solutions are just as popular in the automotive industry as they are in agricultural machinery technology. The event at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences brings together representatives from different areas to promote cross-sectional technology.
The fifth Osnabrück Lightweight Construction Days show how intensive research is being carried out on the subject of lightweight construction in science and industry and how great the innovation potential is in various areas of industry.
20.2.-21.2.2024, Quedlinburg
History meets material science
In this seminar, experts from materials science, archeology and restoration as well as experts in non-destructive material testing meet for an exchange. The focus is on the possibilities of examining historical objects from all eras using the most modern analysis methods, in particular the use of non-destructive testing technology.