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This page lists some application examples of the Surphaser laser scanner.
The sub-millimeter precise 3D component digitization with the Surphaser serves as the basis for
3D scan of a 130m long ship
Autonomous 3D Scan with RoboScan
3D Scan of the German Youth Hostel in Munich (DJH)
Data quality comparison to different terrestrical laser scanner
Cubing: Efficient 3D scanning of an entire car interior using a Surphaser laser scanner in just 5 minutes
3D Scan of a large Steam Engine Housing
Deformation Measurement of a Stone arch Bridge with laser scanner
3D Scan of a crash test dummy
3D scan of the interior of a Porsche Cayenne
Industry 4.0 - 3D Digitisation of a factory hall mit Surphaser laser scanner
Completeness Test of attachments by 3D scan of a train carriage
3D Scan for the flatness test of a building wall
BIM: Capturing precise 3D data with laser scanners in architecture and cultural heritage
BIM: 3D digitization and modeling of an industrial plant
Inventory of the UK Metro wagons by 3D laser scanning
3D Scan des Hubschrauber Black Hawk
Complete 3D digitisation of a Hyundai Elantra with a Surphaser laser scanner
3D Scan and Modelling of the Tidal Energy Turbine Atlantis
3D Digitisation of the fuselage of a Boeing 747 with a Surphaser laser scanner
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